$29.99 AUD

Prevention and Management of Incontinence Associated Dermatitis

Early Bird offer! 

Incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD) is a common skin condition that occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to urine and/or feces. It primarily affects individuals who experience urinary or fecal incontinence, such as elderly or immobile individuals, infants, and patients in long-term care facilities.

Learning about IAD is essential for prevention, early intervention, improved quality of life, effective collaboration, and professional development. It empowers individuals, caregivers, and healthcare professionals to take proactive measures, provide appropriate care, and optimize outcomes for individuals affected by IAD.

Understanding IAD empowers carers to prevent, identify, and manage the condition effectively, leading to improved skin health, comfort, and overall well-being for individuals under their care.

What you'll get:

  • The most up-to-date information on the management and prevention of IAD
  • Mixed learning, with reading, videos and quizzes 
  • The certificate emailed to you as soon as you finish the course so you can put it towards your CPD